How to Detect a Sturgeon Bite
How to detect a Sturgeon Bite
The most common mistake someone can make while Sturgeon fishing, is that when they see the rod tip move (tap, tap), they grab the rod and try to set the hook.
Most often the sturgeon will investigate the bait by swimming over it taking a taste test and being very cautious. There’s a reason these fish have been around for millions of years.
Now, there can be times when they are in a feeding frenzy and will just grab the bait and run. In this case, there is no need for detecting a sturgeon bite, they will just take the bait and run and the bent over rod will be obvious, so grab the rod, keep pressure on and the fight is on!
It is not uncommon, when the sturgeon is hooked, that it will start heading straight up and jump out of the water trying to get away and spit the hook, so it is very important to make sure you do not have any slack in the line.
When/if you see the line start coming up, like it is coming up to the surface, make sure you are reeling as hard and as fast as you can to make sure your line doesn’t go slack, especially if you are fishing with a barbless hook.
Now if you start seeing a tap, tap on the line and there are pauses between the tap, tap, wait until you see your rod bend over then set the hook.
Another way you can detect a sturgeon bite is when it becomes a tap, tap, tap and the tapping doesn’t have any pauses in between. Even though your rod doesn’t bend over, this could mean that the fish has taken it and is just moving slightly in the area that he took your bait in, but the bait is more than likely in his mouth and now is the opportunity to set the hook.
If you are using very big baits and the only thing that could eat that size of bait, odds are it is a sturgeon and you can set the hook.
Since you can’t see underwater and what is actually going after your bait, bait size, weight size and current conditions can be a clue as to what fish has the power to make your rod setup move the way it is moving.
As you can see there are a few factors on how to detect a sturgeon bite, but the moral of the story is, don’t jump up and set the hook every time you see a tap, tap.
Hope this helps!
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