How to manage your anchor rope on your boat
Without a good solution to manage your anchor rope or anchor rode on your boat, it doesn’t help you enjoy your day on the water, so we thought we would shed some light on the subject and offer some options.
One obvious challenge is, with no solution at all, you have at the very least, a mess on your boat.
This can also create safety hazards by the rope or rode getting caught on something while paying out your anchor rope. Or even worse, getting your foot caught while paying out. I’m sure you have heard the stories, or have seen the movie, or at least can imagine what that would look like?
When some folks wonder how to manage their anchor rope on their boat, they drop it in an anchor locker on the boat or a regular 5 gallon bucket. While they do offer a solution, they also create new challenges as well.
If you are using a bucket, it is not flexible enough to stuff under a seat in your boat or might not fit in one of your stow boxes on your boat.
Also, if you ever plan on getting off anchor quickly, it doesn’t offer a solution to deploy the balance of your rope overboard, should the need arise. For information on this method, click on the video link below.
Besides, both those solutions leave the possibility of your anchor rope sitting in residual water in the anchor locker or bucket and that opens up the door for mold and mildew issues.
Using a proper anchor rope/rode storage bag will help with that, considering a good anchor rope/rode storage bag will be made out of a quality mesh material, allowing for drainage and air flow.
By now, if you have decided that you need a better solution on how to manage your anchor rope on your boat, you can watch the video at the top of this post or you can click on the picture below to see what options would best meet your boating needs.
And as usual, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us, if you have any more questions that we did not address here.